Social Commitment

In accordance with the corresponding articles of Law 18/2002 on cooperatives of Catalonia and according to articles 21 and 22 of the Statutes of the entity itself, the application of the Fund for Education, Training and Cooperative Promotion corresponding to the 2021 financial year, was decided in the Governing Council meeting, dated September 28, 2022, in accordance with the delegation of this function agreed upon by the General Assembly on September 18, 2022.
This fund is destined to welfare associations, whether of a social or research nature, to educational and cultural activities of the municipality, as well as to training activities of the Cooperative itself. The characteristics of the distribution of this fund are detailed below:
Assistance action
ACUDAM – Associació d’Ajuda al Minusvàlid:
Pla d’Urgell
Residència de Gent Gran Sant Antoni de Tàrrega:
TALMA – Servei i Suport a les persones:
Les Garrigues
Inst. Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida – Fundació Roc Pifarré:
Casa dels Germans Franciscans de la Creu Blanca:
La Noguera m2
Fundació Pasqual Maragall – Recerca Biomèdica Barcelona:
Fundació La Manreana – Centre terapèutic formatiu eqüestre:
Les Garrigues
Fundació Banc dels Aliments – Campanyes contra la fam:
Pla d’Urgell
Total aid assistance action 7.120
Educational and cultural action
With the aim of promoting citizen participation and civic training of its members and associates. Aid to entities and groups with cultural, sports, educational and social care activities.
Town where we have de headquarters and others around us.
Total educational and cultural action grants 57.392 €
Cooperative action
Formation to our partners and employees and cooperative values or fuctions promotion activities
Corporate social responsibility
Total Cooperative action projects 35.401 €